Apprenticeships FAQ

Apprenticeships FAQ

Having trouble finding the answers? We have got you covered. Here are some of the frequently asked questions about apprenticeships.

– How to apply?

Applying for an apprenticeship is different for everyone as companies might only allow people apply through their website or they might allow people to apply through the government’s website. Companies will most likely promote the apprenticeships that they offer on their social media with links to apply so always look on their social media platforms.

– Who is eligible to apply for an apprenticeship?

Anyone over the age of 16 is eligible to take an apprenticeship course, no matter how old you are or where you are from.

– Who funds apprenticeships?

Apprenticeships are fully funded by the government.

– During COVID?

Apprenticeships during COVID are going to be different for everyone during these times, for me personally everything was basically the same, but different businesses will have different rules for everyone.

– Famous former apprentices?

Famous apprentices include Gordon Ramsey, David Beckham and Elvis Presley. Gordon Ramsey was a catering apprentice before he became a world wide known chef. David Beckham, he was an apprentice in the football youth scheme before he went on to be one of the most famous footballers in the world. Finally, Elvis, Elvis Presley was actually doing an apprenticeship to be an electrician before pursuing his career in music.

– How many levels of apprenticeships are there?

There are 5 levels of apprenticeships, depending on which apprenticeship you do it will be different for everyone.

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